A Fresh Contest for the Holidays

This year has been a bit on the ridiculous side, hasn’t it? Personally, I thought I would have all sorts of time and ways to eke out new works of fiction, even with a new baby.

Instead, it’s 2020. I’m sure we’re all over it by now.

If you’re looking for a sweet little pick-me-up, for yourself or someone you know, as we move into the holiday season, I have a fresh contest for you.

I’m partnering wtih Fresh Fiction to bring you a great giveaway opportunity, running today through December 7th. There are twelve different ways to enter, and four great prizes:

  • One Grand Prize Winner will receive an autographed print set of the entire SWEET SOMETHINGS 4-book series, plus a $25 Amazon Gift Card (which I hope you’ll use to discover great new authors and books this holiday season).
  • Three Runners-Up will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

Head over to Fresh Fiction to enter!

Much Ado About a Widow (Virtual Tour & Giveaway)

Much Ado About a Widow

by Jenna Jaxon

Genre: Historical Romance


A key grated in the lock. Lulu growled and stalked toward it, the fur on her back rising straight up.

“Not yet, Lulu.” Georgie gathered the leash. “Don’t bite him quite yet.”

Her dog stopped advancing on the door; however, the growling did not abate. Better be safe. She gathered Lulu into her arms. “I’ll give you the signal.”

The cabin door swung open, revealing Lord St. Just, an impossibly broad grin on his face. “Wait until I tell you what my men and I just did.”

“You don’t have to tell me, my lord. I already know.” Georgie glared at him and held Lulu tighter. The little animal was shaking, and Georgie was sure if she loosened her grip Lulu would launch herself at the unwary marquess. Serve him right too.

“You do?” He frowned and cocked his head, which made him look like a puzzled puppy. Lulu looked just like that whenever she was unhappy. But what did he have to be unhappy about? He was the one who had kidnapped her.

“You have set sail, my lord, with me and my maid aboard against our wills. Many sensible people call that kidnapping.” She’d always known this man was a pirate. In fact, she’d told her brother so. She handed Lulu to Clara before the dog could leap out of her arms and tear at his lordship’s throat. If anyone was going to attack the marquess, it would be Georgie herself. Plant him a facer and see how he liked being set upon.

“Oh.” The impossible man was all smiles again. “Yes, we had to put out or miss the evening tide.” His grin had returned, showing many straight, white teeth. “But we did manage to steal your trunks, Lady Georgina. If you will consider yourself abducted again, at least rejoice in the fact that you will have clean linen throughout the ordeal.”

During the tour, Jenna Jaxon will be randomly awarding a $25 Amazon/B&N Gift Card to one lucky winner. Click here to enter the Rafflecopter contest.

Meet Jenna Jaxon

Jenna Jaxon is a multi-published author of historical and contemporary romance. She has been reading and writing historical romance since she was a teenager. A romantic herself, she has always loved a dark side to the genre, a twist, suspense, a surprise. She tries to incorporate all of these elements into her own stories. She lives in Virginia with her family and a small menagerie of pets. When not reading or writing, she indulges her passion for the theatre, working with local theatres as a director. She often feels she is directing her characters on their own private stage.

She has equated her writing to an addiction to chocolate because once she starts she just can’t stop.

Blog:  www.jennajaxon.wordpress.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jenna.jaxon

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Jenna_Jaxon

Instagram: passionistimeless

Buy the Book:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Much-about-Widow-Widows-Club-ebook/dp/B07Q6VM63Q/


Who’s Ready for a Scavenger Hunt?

It’s that time of year again!

Night Owl Romance is about to launch this year’s HALLOWPALOOZA event, and once again, I’m one of the sponsors with my featured title, BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE.

There are over 100 prizes for eager book lovers, including book giveaways by participating authors, Amazon gift cards, and the Grand Prize, a Kindle Fire HD 8 with Alexa!

For more info, be sure to check out the Scavenger Hunt, happening October 11th through 31st over at Night Owl Romance.

The Good Things That Have Come Out of July 2018

I’m going to flat out say it, and pardon my French. But overall, July 2018 has proven to suck ass.

In the hope of brightening my own spirits, I’ve decided to share the bits of good news that have surfaced this month.


As you all already know, I was named a finalist in this year’s The Sheila Contest, run by the Valley Forge Romance Writers.

I placed 2nd in the Historical Romance category!


Congratulations to all the finalists! I am honored and thrilled to be counted among you.

I also received word that I am a finalist in the TARA Contest‘s historical category as well, and am waiting with baited breath to get the final results of that, as well as a third contest I entered my post-Civil War historical into at the end of June.

A Signing!

Once again I’ll be participating in the Carolina Romance Writers’ Sip & Sign event, happening September 8th. Full information about the signing and event will be posted on the CRW website, but if you’re local to the greater Charlotte area, mark your calendar!

HE TAKES THE CAKE in Print at LAst!

It’s been a bit longer in the making than I’d expected, due to technical issues outside my or my publisher’s control. But at last, the print release of HE TAKES THE CAKE is available!

And please remember… If you’ve enjoyed an author’s work (and I’m speaking on behalf of all authors, not just myself), the two best ways to say “thank you” are to spread the word and leave a review on Amazon/B&N/Goodreads, etc.

Summer Semi-Hiatus

In case you haven’t figured it out by the relative radio silence, I’m on something of a hiatus now that summer vacation has arrived.

I’m reveling in summer vacation. Three days into it, I’d completely lost track of what day of the week we were on, let alone the actual date. (But let’s be honest – most of the time I only know the date because I write it on the board every morning.)

Time to cook and bake? Yes, please. Hanging with Babycakes in SAHM mode? Check. Finally powering through a friend’s copy of Diana Gabaldon’s Voyager because I’ve lost track of how long ago I borrowed it? Working on that.

The need for the hiatus is work-related, though. I’ve joined a cohort of history-minded colleagues in a rewrite of our district’s secondary social studies curricula, whilst also planning to present with one of those colleagues at our August curriculum days. I’ve also picked up a couple freelance jobs, one of which is a pretty big project and will take up a big chunk of my writing time.

Travel to visit family is in there somewhere, as is working on, you know, my newest novel.

So if there’s a lot of radio silence from me over the next couple months, fear not. I’m just being productive.

Other Fun Information

No specific word yet on the print release of HE TAKES THE CAKE, but I do know it’s visible in the pipeline. Once I know, you’ll know, and there will be a chance at a BIG GIVEAWAY once everything is set in stone.

I’ve entered my post-Civil War historical romance in a handful of contests this spring, and have a couple others pegged for possible entry. This leads to the second coolest thing that’s ever happened to me, after landing my first book contract.

Final round results are supposed to be announced soon. This is a huge accolade, even if I don’t even make honorable mention. Good luck to all the other finalists in The Sheila!